Indie Goes Software Apps

Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck 2.1
Indie Goes Software
The Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck presentsdown to earth explanations and guidance. Its simplicity allowsanyone using them to get answers to daily issues on life.Because the definitions for each card are uncomplicated and easyto read, these oracle cards make it accessible for the user to tapinto the wisdom of their own intuition. The Five VibrationalDimensions of the Soul is a very special spread where you can doyour own reading, taking you through the five levels of your soulassisting you to get answers to Universal Truths that you need toacknowledge.These cards reflect the pervasive changes in our lives helpingusers with guidance to get past blocks. The messages give theminsights on what might be holding them back. The definitions are‘grounded’ so will help guide the user towards the direction theyneed to go at that moment. Sort of like clearing the fog thatsometimes surrounds us, helping us to get back in step with our ownvibrational energy.The heart and soul of self-development is being able to doreadings for yourself whenever you want. The synchronicities ofyour higher self and connecting with the angels makes it superaccessible to be able to guide your soul to what it needs, wantsand desires. Oracle cards, unlike Tarot are simpler to use so youcan get the same way to get insights and direction.You can use this app as a full-featured, ad-free andtime-unlimited "Lite" version, or unlock the full deck for a smallfee.Key features:- A complete deck of 52 cards*, beautifully illustrated, coveringmany topics regarding daily issues- 3 types of readings (1, 3 or 11 cards)- You can save your readings to a journal for furtherreference- Share your readings with your friends, by email or onFacebook!*the full deck is available in the unlocked versionAbout the author: Debbie A. Anderson was born in England. She isa natural healer who has worked in the magical sphere ofspirituality all of her life, bringing forth many modalities thathave manifested and evolved along the way. She is a psychic mediumthat has been giving intuitive spiritual readings for over 30years.About the illustrator: Heather Brewster is an intuitive artist,whose intention is to create artwork that promotes a positive andhealing energy. She primarily works in acrylic, painting on canvasor birch panels and also works with digital media.
Earth Children Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Offer positive messages and guidance to your children with thisbeautiful deck!
Spirit Animal Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Call upon animal spirits for guidance and advice with thisbeautiful oracle deck
Angel Number Signs 1.3
Indie Goes Software
Try this app for free for 7 days! The Angels favorite waytocommunicate with us is through Angel signs, and numbers are oneoftheir favorite mediums. Every number has its own inherentmeaningand energetic vibration. The Angels love to delivernumbers,repeated multiple number patterns such as 11, 22, 33, 44and numbersequences such as 1234 as a means to bring you guidanceandreassurance. This app will assist you to understand themessagesthat you are seeing on a daily basis. The Angels candeliver anumber sign to you in many ways such as on a clock,computer, yourphone, on a sign, house number, in a book, on yourshopping docket,in a song plus they love to draw your attention tocar numberplates too. The means in which numbers are presented isendless andsynchronicity plays a huge part in the Angelicorchestration of thenumbers appearance. If a number 'jumps out atyou', place thatnumber into the app on your device to receive itsAngel numbermeaning. Another beautiful aspect of this app is thatyou can askthe Angels for a message, and it will choose a numberwith meaningjust for you. Keep your eyes peeled, the Angels have amessage foryou! Key features: - Try all the apps features for 7days, forfree! - Interpret any number up to 6 digits. - Ask theAngels for anumber, or get your daily number. - Save your readingsto a journalfor further reference. - Share your readings by email.About theAuthor: Michelle Newten is an award winning best-sellingauthor,metaphysical teacher, inspirational speaker, healer andAngelicmedium. Her aim is to introduce her community to the Angelicrealmso that they may find guidance, comfort and hope. Shepromotesloving kindness as the natural way of the Earth Angelandencourages Earth Angels to share their love and passions intheworld. Michelle Newten is affectionately known as 'The AussieAngelLady'. She is the author of 'The Angel Feather Oracle' andotherAngelic titles now collectively known as 'The Angels Toolbox'.
Indie Goes Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Discover a large and ever-growing collection of oracle decks, allin one place!
Floramations Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
The Floramations Oracle brings you the love of Nature and messagesfrom Spirit.
Wisdom Within Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
This deck is designed to uplift, inspire, and empower you everyday!
Spirit Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Receive guidance from Spirit with this beautiful oracle cards deck!
Goddess Enchantment Oracle
Indie Goes Software
Get divine guidance from the ancient Goddesses with this beautifuldeck!
Sea Whispers Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Dive deep into your intuition with this beautiful and inspiringoracle deck!
Sacred Feminine Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Find relief and inner peace with this unique oracle cards deck
Heal And Transform Meditations
Indie Goes Software
Six powerful meditations to help you release the painful energiesin your life
Archangel Michael Oracle Deck
Indie Goes Software
Work with Archangel Michael and receive peace, protection andguidance!
Crystal Wind Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Use the Crystal Wind Oracle to observe your mind, and reflect onyour heart.
Visionary I Ching Oracle
Indie Goes Software
The I Ching is a divination system that will help you make betterdecisions.
Guiding Light Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
The Guiding Light Oracle will take you deep into the hidden areasof your psyche
Spiritual Coaching Meditations
Indie Goes Software
Create positive life changes with these guided meditations andhypnosis sessions
Starspeak Astrology Oracle
Indie Goes Software
Receive astrological insights for personal awareness and guidance!
Messages From Spirit Oracle
Indie Goes Software
Get hundreds of messages for daily guidance from your SpiritGuides!
Self-Love Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Take care of yourself with this beautiful and inspiring oracledeck!
Ask Angels Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
The Ask Angels Oracle will help you connect with the guidance ofthe angels.
Soul Wisdom Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
These cards are designed to guide you into a deeper understandingof yourself
Mystical Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
The Mystical Oracle Cards are inspired by the Gods, Goddesses,Angels & Guides
Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle
Indie Goes Software
The Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle guides you through all yourdaily challenges.
Angel Feather Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
The Angel Feather Oracle brings you 44 coloured feathers from yourAngels.
Fairy Tales Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Explore the wonderful world of fairy tales with this beautifuloracle deck!
Angel Staircase Meditations
Indie Goes Software
Michelle Newten welcomes you to her exquisite series of guidedmeditations.
Beyond Affirmations Meditation
Indie Goes Software
Get a gentle and safe solution to physical, emotional and spiritualchallenges.
Intuitive Mandala Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
The Intuitive Crystal Mandala is a 40 card deck using healinginfused crystals
Ancient Wisdom Oracle Cards
Indie Goes Software
Enter a world of enchantment and myth with the Ancient WisdomOracle Deck!
Happiness In Your Life Oracle
Indie Goes Software
Get daily guidance with hundreds of wise and inspiring messages!